Panic At The Disco news
Monday, March 17, 2008
  Panic At The Disco Nine In The Afternoon

Panic At The Disco have grown up. So much so they have dropped the wacky exclamation mark from their name and adopted a more mature sound. Quite why, when their debut album A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out was released to universal acclaim, is another matter. Nine In The Afternoon is the first single off Panic’s forthcoming sophomore LP, Pretty.Odd and is driven by a jangly piano melody and backed by an orchestra. It’s all vaguely reminiscent of The Feeling. The emo kids will not be happy.

The Las-Vegas based band will celebrate the release of Pretty.Odd by headlining the 8th annual Honda Civic Tour, slated to kick off on April 10 in San Francisco, having completed a European tour that included a night at London’s Roundhouse.

March 2008 /

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